Principales Indicadores Económicos Juegos Olímpicos París 2024

Esta es la razón por la que no debes estar pendiente de tu peso

  • Por Soy502
15 de julio de 2017, 23:10
Una nueva tendencia en Instagram insta a no preocuparse tanto por el peso de las personas. (Imagen: culturamix)

Una nueva tendencia en Instagram insta a no preocuparse tanto por el peso de las personas. (Imagen: culturamix)

Según la Real Academia Española, el estereotipo define a una imagen o idea aceptada, generalmente por un grupo o sociedad con carácter inmutable.

En cuanto a los estereotipos de belleza, nos marcan un modelo estético a seguir, por lo que muchas personas ponen demasiada atención a la publicidad que indica que las personas serían más felices con menos peso, lo cual obsesiona a muchos.


Sin embargo, una serie de imágenes que están siendo tendencia en Instagram dicen todo lo contrario.




✨ SCREW THE SCALE ✨ I've been the biggest advocate for this saying since I started doing heavier weights through BBG a year ago, then adding solo weights sessions to my schedule - and watching my body weight slowly go up. I used to be SO focused on being under 60kg when I was dancing and teaching, and 57kg was my favourite number to see on the scale I was so obsessed with #skinny that I remember having a complete panic attack on a small flight in Egypt on our honeymoon trip above ☝due to my body insecurities and realising how terrible my food and diet obsession was. Paper bag and all, with everyone watching me meltdown next to my stricken husband. Things needed to change but I had no idea how. It took me a long time. Once I had my kids, I started BBG, fell in love with the amazingly supportive female community, discovered fit strong mum's all around the world focusing on muscle and health, and my mindset slowly changed. So I'm 10kg (22 pounds) heavier now than I was 7 years ago, I'm healthier and stronger, and I've learnt to ignore the numbers because they mean nothing! 66 weeks of BBG and weights . #screwthescale #strongnotskinny #muscle #fitmums #kaylaitsines #bbgprogress #skinnytostrong #progresspics #beforeandafter #weights #transformation #strongwomen #kaylasarmy #bbggirls #bbgmums #bbgcommunity #fitfam #fitspo #mumof2 #fitnessprogress #embrace #abs #fitnessaddict #athlete #fitlife #progressnotperfection #strongissexy #bikinibody #shoulders

A post shared by Fit mum ✌Strong After Kids (@this_feisty_fit_mama) on Jul 15, 2017 at 6:07pm PDT



So many women I speak to are afraid to lift weights because they are worried about getting bulky and by that, they generally mean gaining a significant amount of muscle mass . You have to remember though that it doesn’t happen overnight, and girls who carry a lot of muscle have likely worked really hard for it! It honestly depends on the individual though, her body type, previous training history, what type of strength training she is doing, how often she is training, how much she is eating etc etc. I love having muscles and looking and feeling strong, but there is 100% a level of leanness that is beyond what I’d want for myself. That’s OK. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with that body type. It’s just not for me. Similarly, my body type might not be someone else’s preference. It might be considered too “bulky,” too lean, too curvy, too soft, or too firm for someone else. That’s all OK. We don’t determine what someone else should want their body to look like. You need to figure out what works for you and your body type. Lifting weights has assisted me to tone-up, build strength, gain weight and confidence . Don’t be afraid to give it a go, you'll be surprised by the benefits #bbgstronger #screwthescales

A post shared by Katie Scarlett Lolas (@lady.lolas) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:48am PDT


Con la etiqueta  #Screwthescale (Olvídate de la balanza en español), varios instagramers publican fotografías donde lucen mejor cuando más peso tienen.


Según algunos internautras, esto se debe a que la masa muscular y la retención de agua influencian el peso, lo que hace ver a algunas personas más atractivas cuando tienen mayor masa corporal.

*Con información de
